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Original Character

Name: Jiana

Appearance: I wanted to create this OC, who represente me a little because I found nice that you know, who is this girl behind her computer and her drawings. So, Jiana is a girl who is note very tall (1m57). She has long brown hair, like her eyes.
On the left picture, she has pretty little horns as well as wings. It's her little devil side ;)
And on the right picture, si is as we can say "normal
You can choose which side you prefer ^^

Character: As she represent me, Jiana has a caractère a bit identical to mine. It's a girl who can be very quiet as very crazy. She represent my happy side when I have my stylus and my graphic tablet in front of me.

What she loves the most in the world: 

  • Her graphic tablet with her stylus

  • Her gloomy bear and her llamas

  • Chocolate and a lot of sweets

Outfits: She wears une little black skirt with a big sweat that always goes to big for her. For the sweat you can choose the colors so run your imagination ;)
On her left leg, she wears a little ribbon

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©2020 art and design by Jianaiko
Characters & relevant concepts in fanwork pieces belong to their respective owners.

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